- Resistance Studies: Manumission, Maroonage and Vagrancy
- The Malagasy Diaspora in the Indian Ocean
- The Mozambican and East African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean
- The Indian Diaspora and in the Indian Ocean
- New Perspectives on the Slave Trade and Indenture
- Political History in the Indian Ocean
- The Political Economy of Mauritius
- Unfree Labour systems in the Indian Ocean
- Comparative perspectives: Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega, Chagos and the Indian Ocean
- The Archaeology of Slavery and Indenture
- Oral Tradition relating to Slavery and Indenture
- Shared Memory and Shared Heritage
- Ethnomusicology From Slavery to Indenture – Transitions
- Environmental History, Natural Heritage, and Conservation
- Tangible and Intangible Heritage