Quality Assurance

The overall quality of the university is the concern of each and everyone. It aims to ensure: accountability to Society, to the subject and whether the institution is demonstrating fitness for purpose. The University of Mauritius gives quality assurance utmost importance and expects all internal stakeholders to emerge as a self-critical community of students, teachers, support staff and senior managers, each contributing to and striving for continued improvement through the following:

 Standards and Quality

High Standards of our programmes and quality of the graduates who follow the programme. High Quality of both the standard and processes of teaching and learning, the activities of the departments and congruence between the goals of the programme and competences of graduates.



To reassure the educational community, the general public and other professional bodies or institutions that a programme has clearly defined an educationally appropriate objectives, that the programme is operating under recognised professional standards and that the institution is accomplishing high standards substantially.


 Validation of New and Revised Programmes

Through the process of approving a new programme, or allowing existing programmes to continue, with a revised structure. Programmes are approved at Faculty/Centre Boards/ Teaching and Research Committee (TRC)/ Senate, following vetting from the Quality Assurance Office.


 Peer Review

Through the involvement of academics as active university teachers, researchers or as practising professionals to offer advice and to make judgements/and or decisions about proposals for new programmes, the continuation of revised programmes, and the quality of research programmes. Peers can be internal from the institution, actively engaged with industry, professional bodies and quality assurance agencies that can act as intermediate to bring HEIs together to harmonise processes and contribute massively in maintaining and enhancing quality.


 Quality Audits

Aim to check that the existing quality assurance mechanisms and control processes at inputs and outputs levels are appropriate and are working well.

University of Mauritius | Reduit 80837, Mauritius | Tel : (230) 403 7400, Fax : 454 9642