The University of Mauritius serves as the project's "Coordinator," and eight universities from four African nations—Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mauritius, and Mozambique—are involved. The Open University of Mauritius in Mauritius, the University of BUEA in Cameroon, the University of Douala in Cameroon, DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY in Ethiopia, Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia, the University of Eduardo Mondellane in Mozambique, the University of Save in Mozambique, the Università degli Studi di Genova in Italy, and KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLAN university in Sweden are among the numerous universities that are the Co-beneficiaries. With an emphasis on the broad perspectives of the circular economy towards energy sustainability, these universities will gain from the modernization of their energy-related courses and programs. Two previous successful Erasmus+ Capacity Building initiatives in higher education served as the impetus for this partnership.
In addition to creating and implementing certain new courses and programs tailored to the local requirements in the partner nations, it will reuse the framework and educational resources created from these projects. By implementing a student-centered flipped classroom approach where innovation and entrepreneurship play a major role, the courses and programs that will be designed will improve the partner universities' modernization process. Since all of the content is created in digital online format, it can be read even in remote locations. It can be used as standalone modules for personal learning trips or as part of a formal academic study program. Throughout the project, the partners will exchange learning materials and courses, and they will carry out common implementation.
The updated curricula introduce business scenarios and global issues pertaining to the UN Sustainability Goals, with a focus on global greenhouse gas reduction. Each partner HEI will implement a university-wide "Challenge" course to facilitate interaction between and among students from various academic fields. By the project's conclusion, the partner universities will have convincingly shown—in a quantifiable and scalable manner—that it is feasible to work together on energy-related educational materials from a global standpoint, to co-create and reuse content from other nations, to enhance the content, to modify it for local conditions, and to establish an international collaboration.
Other information;
2023 - 2026
European Commission
University of Mauritius
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