Our Outreach Projects
Notable projects which have as main focus sustainable development have been developed and successfully implemented across the university and the community. Some of these include:
Green roof project at UoM- Comprising a multidisciplinary team from FoE, FoA, FoS (Mathematics department)
This MRC funded project involves a comprehensive analysis of the impact of green roofs on the energy consumption of buildings including consideration of green soil temperature, appropriate plants, indoor air temperature, energy demand and the CO2 avoided. It also entails a comparative study between the energy performance of conventional roofs and green roofs on selected existing buildings in Mauritius.
A mathematical model for green roofs on buildings in tropical climates has been developed and validated.

MITD vacation training
The MITD training is a 3.5 days training (28 hours total) organized by the University of Mauritius for the students of BEng Civil Engineering Level 1 as part of their programme structure. The training allows the students to develop the technical know- how and comprise 3 distinct components: scaffolding, lasting 1.5 days, masonry, lasting 1 day, and carpentry, lasting 1 day.
University of Mauritius (UOM) collaboration with the Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IECelebration of the International Women in Engineering day- An initiative of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)
The University of Mauritius in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM) organized the first (Mauritius) a half day workshop on Engineering- a challenging profession for women” on the occasion of the celebration of the International Women in Engineering Day 2017 to be held on Friday 23 June 2017 (13h30 – 16h00) in the R. Burrenchobay Lecture Theatre of the University, Réduit. This event attracted around 70 plus participants to include: Academic staff at UoM, Engineers from the Industry, representatives of the MPI, Council of Registered Professional Engineers (CRPE) and UoM students.
Sustainable asphalt solutions/ Warm mix asphalt
With the Government being the main regulator of the local construction industry, strategic partnerships with the private sector need to be set up to overhaul the current road construction policies in a view to allow this industry to flourish in a sustainable manner. By doing so, not only will our road networks be more durable, but the level of service will also improve while allowing the road sector to be more resilient. The rationale behind these research projects are to determine sustainable alternatives to Hot Mix Asphalt and sustainable solutions in pavement construction Mauritius. Different options, Warm Mix Asphalt, use of scrap rubber, polymer coated aggregated, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) are evaluated. These projects acknowledge the donation of Sasol- South Africa. Such projects are done with the help of Senior Engineers/ Engineers and technical assistance by Water Research Co. Ltd, Gamma Civic Ltd, United Basalt Products, Road Development Authority.
Eco Campus/Clean up Campaigns
The projects on Eco Campus Initiative and the Sustainable Waste Management Practices at Petit Verger Prison are in line with SDG 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts) and the rehabilitation of the detainees and involvement of the community is in line with SDGs 1 (End poverty in all its forms everywhere) and 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages).
The University of Mauritius initiated the “Eco Campus Initiative” to improve the institution’s environmental performance. A multi-disciplinary team was set up to implement an environmental management system on the campus. The UoM Chemical Engineering Society has been over past recent years, actively contributing in events towards promoting the idea of sustainability; one example is the clean- up campaigns. The Chemical Engineering Society together with The Vision student group, the Faculty of Engineering and the Students’ Union had implemented the project of recycling which is a success and is on continuous monitoring by the members. The goal of this initiative was to create awareness among students and staffs about solid waste management. The project can be easily poured back into teaching such as in the module solid waste management as well as in final year degree projects and into bringing high level research in the community, for instance, the training of detainees and prison officers on waste separation and composting for the project on Sustainable Waste Management Practices at Petit Verger Prison, whilst also engaging the local community during sensitization campaigns on source-segregation practices.